Wednesday 19 May 2010

Published in my own name!

The problem with much of the work I am doing is that commissioning editors don't seem to want me to point out it is my work and not theirs! So it is with some relief that I can point to this article on Platform 10 which I wrote for them about the coalition.

Meanwhile Charlie is currently sitting in my window watching the birds sitting on the telephone wire. Barking at them. Nutcase!

Saturday 15 May 2010

19 kilos and still growing

Charlie the puppy that is. She had a six month check up at the vets during the week, is now on Evening Primrose Oil (at ten quid a bottle) for a skin condition and is growing faster than ever.

Talking of growing, I am pleased with the number of jobs I have had this week - two financial prospectuses, a political article, some work on a website still under construction and a potential link up with an agency in the Far East.

Hopefully things will keep this positive.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Well that went well...

An auspicious start, in that soon after setting up this blog I then received an offer to ghost a blog for someone else over the last few weeks. That has now come to an end but really took it out of me - producing upwards of ten posts a day towards the end, with several thousand regular readers. I have taken this weekend off and am going back into the market tomorrow! Since I last blogged the dog has easily doubled in size - she is currently sat at my feet snoring her head off, after a long, long walk. In the meantime, I have significantly increased my portfolio of work and I am currently writing the text for the website of a friend who is also branching out on his own. Since I have a deadline of midday tomorrow, I am now going back to it, should get it in with about two hours to spare.